Well Logging
Well logging technology is now used in all the phases of the E&P process from the drilling of the first wild cut well in a field up to the abandonment of the last productive level in the same field.
Due to the exploitation of a large number of physical principles, well logs can now measure a large number of physical properties of the geological formation (and the sorrounding environment) intersected by a well and both in open and cased hole conditions.
The methods of measurements (and the parameters included) have now become so numerous that a log analyst would need a specialized knowledge of physics, chemistry, geology, petroleum engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics and many sub branches of these, in order to follow developments in instrumentation.
Well logging applications:
- Petrophysics;
- Formation Evaluation;
- Reservoir Characterization;
- Reservoir Management & Production Optimization;
- Geology & Geomechanics;
- Geosteering;
- Others.
Main components of the well logging technique are:
- Sensors,
- (Digital) Data handling and interpretation models,
- Computer technology,
- Education & Training,
To achieve the challenging objectives of the well logging technology and since the key issue is the efficient and effective use of all available techniques, a strong collaboration with major Service Providers is necessary.
This collaboration need to be effective in all the steps of the Formation Evaluation process:
- tool/sensors/techniques design (fit for purpose R&D);
- planning;
- acquisition and QC;
- post-processing;
- interpretation;
- integration.
The NoDoC Model describes the cost of various well logging techniques. For this purpose NoDoC divides the assembly into different parts for selscting methods, techniques , equipment and hence man power required for the well logging. At the end the assembly estimate the cost for each pahse of the logging process separately.
Due to the exploitation of a large number of physical principles, well logs can now measure a large number of physical properties of the geological formation (and the sorrounding environment) intersected by a well and both in open and cased hole conditions.
The methods of measurements (and the parameters included) have now become so numerous that a log analyst would need a specialized knowledge of physics, chemistry, geology, petroleum engineering, electrical engineering, mathematics and many sub branches of these, in order to follow developments in instrumentation.
Well logging applications:
- Petrophysics;
- Formation Evaluation;
- Reservoir Characterization;
- Reservoir Management & Production Optimization;
- Geology & Geomechanics;
- Geosteering;
- Others.
Main components of the well logging technique are:
- Sensors,
- (Digital) Data handling and interpretation models,
- Computer technology,
- Education & Training,
To achieve the challenging objectives of the well logging technology and since the key issue is the efficient and effective use of all available techniques, a strong collaboration with major Service Providers is necessary.
This collaboration need to be effective in all the steps of the Formation Evaluation process:
- tool/sensors/techniques design (fit for purpose R&D);
- planning;
- acquisition and QC;
- post-processing;
- interpretation;
- integration.
The NoDoC Model describes the cost of various well logging techniques. For this purpose NoDoC divides the assembly into different parts for selscting methods, techniques , equipment and hence man power required for the well logging. At the end the assembly estimate the cost for each pahse of the logging process separately.