Through field tests in lowpermeability crystalline rock, researchers have made significant progress in understanding reservoir characteristics, including fracture initiation, dilation and propagation, thermal drawdown, water loss rates, flow impedance, fluid mixing, and fluid geochemistry. In addition to using hydraulic stimulation methods to establish connectivity in the far field, it is feasible to create permeability near injection or production wellbores by explosive fracturing, chemical leaching, and thermal stress cracking.
Geochemistry at low temperatures can be a benign factor, but as the salinity and temperature increase, it may pose difficult engineering challenges. Considerable effort is now going into the numerical modeling of coupled geochemical processes, but generally there is still a lack of data to support the verification of the models. Dissolution and precipitation problems in very hightemperature fields are not well understood. Conventional means of overcoming these problems by controlling pH, pressure, temperature, and the use of additives are widely known from experience at hydrothermal fields. Some laboratory studies may shed light on the processes involved; however, solutions to specific geochemical problems will have to be devised when the first commercial fields come into operation.
NoDoC models the estimation of cost of such operations using data and resources. It is something loke research and testing procedure and the related cost is widly depend on the how deep are these researches.
Geochemistry at low temperatures can be a benign factor, but as the salinity and temperature increase, it may pose difficult engineering challenges. Considerable effort is now going into the numerical modeling of coupled geochemical processes, but generally there is still a lack of data to support the verification of the models. Dissolution and precipitation problems in very hightemperature fields are not well understood. Conventional means of overcoming these problems by controlling pH, pressure, temperature, and the use of additives are widely known from experience at hydrothermal fields. Some laboratory studies may shed light on the processes involved; however, solutions to specific geochemical problems will have to be devised when the first commercial fields come into operation.
NoDoC models the estimation of cost of such operations using data and resources. It is something loke research and testing procedure and the related cost is widly depend on the how deep are these researches.